Photo by Brodie Vissers from Burst
Yummy Train
Fashion-minded men
hop aboard yummy train

The 'young urban male' couture trend
is squeezing men's legs and wallets.

By Jim Hightower

ttention, men. Yes, you people with Y chromosomes — it’s time for some man-talk. Specifically, we need to address how you dress. First, the good news: At long last, the metrosexual look, style, demeanor, and even the idea of the metrosexual man are dead. I know this because The New York Times Styles section has officially proclaimed it passé. Thank goodness — it was so Bush era, and who misses that?

However, your typical man-person won't be thrilled with what the world of fashion has in store for us next. The driving force that will determine what we'll be wearing is called Henry. Not Longfellow or Thoreau (both are so old school), but a spiffy acronym that stands for High Earner, Not Rich Yet. Even worse, a Wall Street fashion analyst gushes that the new model for men's couture is — get ready — a Yummy. That would be the cute way to refer to a young urban male. Makes you miss yuppie, doesn't it?

And what’s this style? A Times photo shows a tall blond Yummy wearing an overcoat that looks as if he has draped a shower curtain around him (albeit a cashmere shower curtain).

"We needed a kind of fresh look," says the head of Zegna, a men's fashion label. By fresh, he's talking about silken coats that resemble bathrobes, shirts with yard-long sleeves that you scrunch up — oh, and narrow pants. Apparently they're in, very in. As one retail executive explained, "[it's about] the way a narrow trouser makes you feel." Hmmm, I think squeezed would be my answer to that.

Speaking of squeezed, we're talking luxury duds — a Yummy suit runs between $5,000 and $17,000. And don't forget your luxury man's bag. These are "a growing segment," enthused one investment manager, adding that, "I'm not the only one in meetings now with a luxury branded-bag."

I guarantee you he'd be the only man-bag toter in any of the meetings I go to. But then, I'm not a Yummy. (First published 13 May 2014)

OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. He’s also editor of the populist newsletter, The Hightower Lowdown.