
Fearless Photographs We Love Mothers at Weddings
F earless Photographers is an online directory of wedding photography professionals representing the world's best wedding photographers for brides and grooms, as well as wedding entourage and families. Every two months, a panel of expert curators selects the very best wedding photos (around 2 out of every 100 photo submissions) and confers the Fearless Awards on the deserving entries.
From the Top 1000 Fearless Photographers of 2018 archives, here we feature five of what we consider the most touching black-and-white photographs — capturing real (unchoreographed) moments with mothers at wedding celebrations the world over.
Vinicius Fadul's closeup of a bridegroom (above) holding his mother's face in his hands, his forehead on hers — at the brink of breaking down in tears of joy.
A little boy cries in his mother's arms (for some flimy reason, we hope), as she herself lets go of tears borne from deeper, more intense emotions in Sara Kirkham's post-wedding ceremony photo (above).
A tiaraed bride is tearful as she consoles her equally emotional mother in Vlad Solomon's pre-wedding ceremony photo (above).
Pedro Alvarez captures the flood of emotions coming out of the father of the bride (above), as the mother consoles him despite her own tears even as they walk the aisle at a wedding ceremony.
The mother and other female relations and close friends of the bride share in the newly-wed's tears of joy in Brian Callaway's post-wedding ceremony photo (above). 1